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Colorado County Court

The Honorable Ty Prause

Colorado County Courthouse 
400 Spring St., Room 107
P.O. Box 236
Columbus, Texas 78934


Sharon Marsalia, Administrative Assistant 
Court Coordinator- Probate, Guardianship and Civil
Phone:  (979) 732-2604
Fax:  (979) 732-9389

Email:  sharon.marsalia@co.colorado.tx.us

Gloria McCain 
Court Coordinator- Criminal Misdemeanor

Phone:  (979) 732-8203 Ext. 225
Fax:  (979) 732-9115
Email:  gloria.mccain@co.colorado.tx.us

General Rules of Decorum and Courtroom Conduct(PDF 96.45KB)

  • The Court does not accept filings—all pleadings and court papers must be filed through the Colorado County Clerk’s Office.
  • All requests for settings, including jury trials, bench trials and motion hearings, must be made to the Court Coordinator
  • An oral hearing is required on all motions, including but not limited to motions for default judgments, motions for summary judgments and motions for continuance, and will not be considered by submission without prior leave of court.


Administrative Order No. C-1-2024:  

Colorado County Constitutional Court Confidentiality Policy and Agreement(PDF 152.17KB)